Introducing the 3 Harbours Arts Festival

The slogan of the 3 Harbours Arts Festival is “art in unusual places” a mantra which is carried throughout. The term “art” is not confined to

3 Harbours Arts Festival. Courtesy of

painting or drawing but covers music, murals, photography, literature, dance, film, drama, crafts- the list is endless. One of the most interesting artists I encountered at this year’s event was a stonemason, Gardner Molloy. He had an impressive display of sculptures in the courtyard of his workshop along with portfolios of commissions and freelance work he has done in the past. Continue reading

Artist Profile- Wendy McCarroll Sandeman

With a huge array of artists spread across the 3 Har­bours Fes­ti­val, there was no short­age of tal­ent in the area. Among the artists with exhi­bi­tions in Cocken­zie Power Sta­tion was local res­i­dent Wendy McCar­roll Sande­man. Orig­i­nally from Ire­land, Wendy has a stu­dio in Coburg House in Leith as well as work­ing from her home in Cocken­zie.

The envi­ron­ment was the dom­i­nant theme of Wendy’s dis­play at this year’s exhi­bi­tion. “I’ve been very con­cerned about the area because it’s actu­ally a con­ser­va­tion area,” Wendy explains. “But because it’s a bit off the beaten track peo­ple don’t take as much care of it as they should”. Cocken­zie and Port Seton also has some listed build­ings and Wendy is con­cerned that the place might be dis­ap­pear­ing a lit­tle bit. But she also feels the pos­i­tive impact of events like the Fes­ti­val on the community. Continue reading

Artist Profile- Genevieve Bicknell

Genevieve Bick­nell is one of the young artists who  took part in this year’s 3 Har­bours Fes­ti­val in East Lothian. Her exhi­bi­tion was on dis­play at the Cocken­zie Power sta­tion, along with sev­eral other artists from the area. Genevieve is very pos­i­tive on being part of the fes­ti­val. “It’s a great chance to meet other artists”, she says. “It’s a really good way of being with oth­ers, see­ing what they do and also hav­ing some­where for your work to be seen by any­one else”. Continue reading